Interstel is happy to announce that we are accepting five new interns from Stemworks! They will be working with Interstel until July 19th and wrap up their internship by doing a presentation on their time with us. The interns are Aiden Bruggeman, Cody Chun, Kershylle Alivio, Ethan Garcia, and Izaiah Ea. They are working on the graphic user interface design for Starfleet II: Krellan Commander Deluxe. Welcome to Interstel Technologies!

Aiden Bruggeman - Stemworks Intern

Aiden Bruggeman is an undergraduate Computer Science student attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts. He has proficient knowledge in the coding languages Java, Python, Swift, Html, CSS, and JavaScript. His notable projects so far have been coding a robot with a swerve drive base for the First Robotics Competition in Java and a facial identification program that stores information on people. In his free time, he enjoys spending time outside looking at the stars, astrophotography, filming and editing videos, playing games with friends, and exploring any new interests or hobbies that come across him. He enjoys astronomy and someday hopes to build his own Newtonian telescope. 

Ethan Garcia - Stemworks Intern

Ethan Garcia is an incoming undergraduate freshman at UH Manoa majoring in Computer Science. He has been learning Computer Science since middle school and has learned HTML, Python, and Java. During his time in high school, he has done projects such as creating a video game in Python and an encrypted password manager in Java. This has helped him earn CTE Completer and CTE Honors when graduating from the Class of 2024. Aside from computer science, he also earned an AutoCAD Certification in Architecture and created floor plans for mini-towns and different types of homes. He plans to join the UH Marching Band and find more opportunities/internships to deepen his knowledge of computer science. In his free time, he spends time with his family and friends. He also loves playing video games, which is one of the reasons why he wanted to learn how to code.

Cody Chun - Stemworks Intern

Cody Chun is an undergraduate B.S. Computer Engineering student at the University of Notre Dame. He has worked on a simulation of the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) for IrishSAT, Notre Dame’s student-led satellite design team, and will be working on custom PCBs in the future. Cody is also a member of the Band of the Fighting Irish, playing the trombone and marching at home football games (including the Sun Bowl in El Paso, TX last December). He is involved in the Hawaii Club, dancing hula (poorly) and playing local music at the annual Luau. He will serve as co-treasurer for the upcoming school year. In his free time, Cody enjoys playing tennis, going to the gym, listening to music, and eating really good food.

Kershylle Alivio - Stemworks Intern

Kershylle Alivio is an undergraduate A.S. Engineering General student at Santa Monica College who plans to transfer as an Aerospace Engineering major. She graduated from Radford High School where she was involved in the National Honor Society, Track and Field, Cross Country, and STEM Capstone. She interned for Code.org, organizing workshops for local teachers to expand computer science education, and completed Girls Who Code programs, learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python to create websites and programs. Beyond computer science, she has also served as a council member for the Hawaiian Humane Society and Girls Who Code, advocating for proper pet care and gender equality in tech. Outside school and work, she likes to play Minecraft and Fortnite, watch zombie apocalypse movies and true crime documentaries, and listen to artists like Beabadobee and Lana Del Rey. She also enjoys walking around the city and going to the beach with her friends, as well as trying new restaurants and cafes with her family.

Izaiah Ea - Stemworks Intern

Izaiah Ea is an incoming high school senior at James Campbell High School. Although Izaiah has no prior experience in the workforce, he is eager to learn and grow. At James Campbell High School, Izaiah enrolled into various AP classes in order to help in his studies of computer science. With the help of these AP classes Izaiah learned how to program in Python and Java. Outside of school Izaiah spends his free time by reading, exercising, and playing video games. Izaiah’s main goals are gaining insight and experience in the workforce, as well as learning and developing new skills that will be useful in the workplace, and becoming a productive and contributing member of the team.


